An animation of the Hafod Copper Works

Produced by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales and ThinkPlay, this work was carried out as part of the ESRC funded project ‘The Global and Local Worlds of Welsh Copper’, led by Swansea University and was part funded by the Atlanterra Project, and reconstructs the buildings, furnaces and rolling mills of what was the largest copper smelting works in Britain. Crown Copyright:, RCAHMW 2011

Scenes from the Lower Swansea Valley in 1963; Where No Trees Grew

Scenes from the lower Swansea Valley were filmed in 1963 in colour showing the industrial dereliction being assessed by the Lower Swansea Valley Project at that time.

Connecting Communities to the Industrial Heritage of the Lower Swansea Valley. Film of the celebration event held on 25th June 2015

Connected Communities to Industrial heritage in the Lower Swansea Valley. Film of the celebration event in June 2015

The copper industry put Swansea on the map and made it the centre of the industrial world. The furnaces burned out long ago, but it’s hoped the derelict works could be just as important to Swansea’s future as they were to its past – thanks to an AHRC-funded community research and regeneration project. At the Connected Communities Festival, people came together to celebrate their achievements so far, as well as working out the next steps. // Filmed and edited by Peter Jones. Written and produced by Kay Byrne.

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